Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If you consider sitting on a pillow at a park bench, that is. Hah.

Yes, the kids and I ventured to the park today to meet some friends. It has been soooooo long since I was able to take my kids to the park. Doing normal things feels good.

I also did such things as laundry, emptying the dishwasher, making pita bread (in progress), and sewing on Eli's cloth trainers. I may not move exceptionally fast, but things are getting done. The downside is that I'm wiped out right now.

Other happenings around here:

I downsized the wafer for my ostomy, which I am undecided about liking. This is kind of gross, but the hole in the pouch is smaller, so it's harder to dump out. I think the pouches I have are meant to be one use, but man, that's wasteful. As long as the filter is working (ie I don't smell like the Neenah paper factories), I'm good with emptying the pouch. There are little biodegradable baggies I can use so those get changed instead of the whole pouch that I still need to try. That might be a solution to my throwing too much away conflict. If only change weren't so hard. I'll work on it, because the amount of ostomy trash does kind of bug me. It's not a ton, I suppose, but for someone who has worked really hard to reduce the amount of garbage our family tosses, it's more than I would like.

I do think the smaller wafer is less noticeable under my shirts. That's nice, although I don't care that much if someone sees the pouch. It's no big deal.

Have I mentioned that NOT wearing pajama pants is nice? Well it is.

Ugh, I'm ready for a nap.


  1. I totally forgot to give you those pants! Please remind me :)

  2. The first year after surgery I bought a pillow that is cut out where the tailbone is located. It really helped relieve the pain. I still have the same pillow on my chair in the kitchen even after 8 years. I used to take it with me wherever I went. I have also learned not to sit on tile floor or really hard surfaces.
