Sunday, February 26, 2012

Some Good Things on a Chemo Weekend

I went to get disconnected on Saturday morning, showing up about an hour and a half early because my pump was empty.  I consider that awesome because every minute without the pump is, well, a minute without the pump.  Eric and the kids hung out in the car while I went upstairs.  After signing in, I sat down and started knitting.

A woman walking by said, "Oh, I wish I could do that!"  And we started conversing about knitting and how her mom could knit and crochet and the woman wished she had learned.  I showed off my kitten mittens and mentioned that my hands get really tingly and cold.  She asked about my feet (yes) and said her husband is the same way.  It turns out he has rectal cancer, and it had spread to his liver and lungs.  But the last scan he had was clear!  I always love hearing good news about this kind of thing.  Hope and all that.

Then when I was getting disconnected, I mentioned to the nurse that I wouldn't be back for a month because of the vacation.  She asked where I was going and was SO excited and positive when I explained.  She was curious and didn't ask me if it was dangerous.  That was nice and refreshing too.  We chatted about the travel plans for a few minutes.

And then I was free!  And I'm free for a month!!!!  My next chemo isn't until March 29th.  Rock on!!!


  1. Dearest Sheri,
    It was good to see you. Hope you all have a wonderful trip. Enjoy your time without Chemo! Remember that prayers are being said for a safe trip. I love you!!!! Love, Mom

  2. Hi Sheri, I think about you every day and say pleading prayers for you. I am so happy that you get to go on great vaction and I hope it is wonderful.

  3. Have fun on your trip, and enjoy your break!
    Mike S.
